
1. The rules can change, and I don't have to give a reason for the change.
2. Have patience, I might be busy on a certain day and present the winner later.
3. Everyone has an equal change to win, If you send me an e-mail with the same answer more than once your disqualified, You have 3 chances to send in the right answer.
4. Good luck with the riddles. I will make them impossible to guess.
5. At first the prizes will be small, but the more people know, the more in the pot.
6. Missing the reply deadline for your pay-pal address will forfeit the prize and add it to the pool.
7. Every one makes spelling mistakes, I will accept mild ones in the answers.

No refresh spamming, If i get banned, no one profits.

IF you have a questions, e-mail me at :  , with the subject header "Question".

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